The SAR Magazine


The SAR MAGAZINE is the official quarterly publication of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution published quarterly.

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Continued from page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ohn Harve Engle, 183538, William Cornett Arthur Charles Hanke III, 183342, Nathaniel Reynolds John Kenneth Keeney, 183343, Amos Keeney/Kinney John Hull Manwaring, 183533, Samuel Douglass Christopher Matthew Manwaring, 183532, Samuel Douglass Timothy Lee Rawlings, 183535, John Caughey Christopher Tracy Rawlings, 183537, John Caughey Gerald Gene Rawlings, 183534, John Caughey Gerald Gene Rawlings Jr., 183536, John Caughey Edward Arnold Smith, 183142, Samuel Bodle Gregg Barton Wagner, 183900, Joseph White Dakota (1) Matthew Carson Koball, 183617, Nathaniel Roper Delaware (12) Robert Edward Coons, 183939, Abraham Coons 6800(5 District of Columbia (2) Lawrence Edward Laurion Jr., 183726, John Lamprey William Wilson Mullins Jr., 183228, John Hawkins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onald Edward Coons, 183938, Abraham Coons Joel Ben Devich, BS, 183227, John Cooper Francis Glenn Gallagher, 183226, Christopher Rex Brandon William Hand, MSC, 183853, Silas Hand Douglas Robbins Keefe, 183855, Edward Painter Jason Alexander Locke, 183854, Graves Eaves Jacob Joseph Schlichtmann, 183435, James Frazier Harvey Clark Smith Jr., 183849, Jacob Smith Harvey Clark Smith III, 183850, Jacob Smith Matthew Craig Smith, 183851, Jacob Smith Craig Matthew Smith, 183852, Jacob Smith Florida (67) James Gordon Alderman, 183447, David Alderman Jack Garrett Anderson, 183951, Benjamin Sublett David James Baker, 183345, John Michael Best Richard Allen Bush III, 183539, Peter Hartman Charles Robert Butler, 183903, David Nida James Kent Cameron Jr., 183785, Ichabod Alling Robert William Cook, 183676, John Platt Easton Lee Corbitt, 183157, Brinkley Corbett James Edward Cuddeback, 183901, Benjamin Cuddeback James Terry Dean, 183445, Joseph Cornish Linn Weldin Dreger, 183950, John Brown Eric Alan Fisher, 183231, George Bacon William Goslee Geiger, 183944, Charles Webb Robert Louis Green, 183230, Robert Harkness Samuel Oram Grim, 183446, Valentine Gable William Lee Guy, 183448, William Guy Charles Kenneth Hassell, 183442, Jeremiah Dixon Joseph Leon Hitchery, 183443, Theodore Pridmore 7; 7; 7; 7; 7; 7; 7; 7; 7; 7; 7; 7; 7; 7; 7; 7; 7; 7; 7; 7; 7; 7; 7; 87 9$ 9$ 9$ 9$ 9$ 9$ 9$ 9$ 9$ 9$ 9$ 9$ 9$ 9$ 9$ 9$ 97 :$ :, :9 :9 :9

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